ISA’s New Hide Sourcing Policy Written in Collaboration with World Wildlife Fund is Underway
The new “ISA Responsible Sourcing Policy Standard for Cattlehides”, written in collaboration with World Wildlife Fund (WWF), is being gradually integrated into ISA’s supply chain, focusing on all of its US and Brazil sourced hides. The new sourcing policy is designed to fulfill ISA’s commitment to enhancing animal welfare and developing a deforestation free and conversion free cattlehide supply chain.
For leather sourcing from Brazil, it will be mandatory for suppliers to commit to policies and procedures that establish timebound deforestation-free and conversion-free production supply chains, with set timelines for direct and indirect suppliers, as well as supporting monitoring systems and documentation.
In order to achieve the required targets and timelines mapped out in the policy, we are making additional investment in supporting our suppliers to expand their monitoring systems. Indirect cattle suppliers in Brazil are the main focus to stop illegal deforestation practices in the region. A pilot project has been initiated with one of our key suppliers in Brazil to prove proof of concept for a deforestation free supply chain from indirect cattle suppliers in Brazil,” said Keith Hill, Vice President Sustainable Business Development of ISA.
To date, all ISA’s suppliers comply with the Five Animal Freedoms principles, and all wet blue hides it sources are traceable back to the slaughterhouse. Collaborating together with WWF, ISA will continue working with all stakeholders to execute its policy.